WISe Rabbit Challenge
WISe Rabbit Challenge
Happy Chinese New Year from the WISDOM family!
Let’s celebrate Chinese New Year by joining our ‘WISe Rabbit Challenge’. Spend your Chinese New Year WISely with us in the 5-day online English program, ranging from colouring pages, flashcard resources to stories, games and video-sharing. Click the links on https://linktr.ee/wisdomps each day to enjoy the diverse learning experiences we offer to you. May the Year of Rabbit bring you good health and happiness!
香海正覺蓮社佛教正慧小學恭祝各位新年進步,如意吉祥!本年度我校舉辦了為期五天的網上英語挑戰 WISe Rabbit Challenge 農曆新年慶祝活動,旨在與各幼稚園生分享節日喜悅,也讓大家體驗正慧小學的多元化學習經歷。每天按下https://linktr.ee/wisdomps 內的連結,一起愉快地學習英語吧!